Walk: A/D
Jump: Space
Select item: Scroll, Q/E
Throw item (hold to charge): Left click
Aim: Mouse 
Grab rope (press again to release): Right click
Climb rope: W/S
Restart level: R
Pause: ESC

They forgot to put stairs in this tower! Boss says he needs you up on top. Good thing you've got a solid week of construction experience under your toolbelt.

Art, UI: XtraKarma
Code, Design: coolrex56
Director, Code, Sound, Music: melo_toni

Palette is Steam Lords by Slynyrd.

Development log


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(2 edits) (+1)

This Game is quite fun to play and the art style and animations are quite silly which I thoroughly enjoy though the career mode is quite challenging.

Good Job!!

This level is so cursed (so close... yet so far) P.s nvm I did it in that run.